03/02/25 - Blog post, probably an update today or tomorrow!
14/01/25 - Just a blog post today. Updates coming soon!
07/12/24 - New Abode-Bound update! :3
05/12/24 - Made a page for my crochet stuff, and a blog update! Still working on that next update.
30/11/24 - Small updates today, just blinkies and code edits. Working on more stuff!
27/11/24 - *Finally* got that page of Abode-Bound out. Check it out! :D
22/11/24 - I've got a blog now! It's on the "More" page, if you're interested.
20/11/24 - I've been sick with covid all week, and in that time I've decided to edit and improve my story. I'm adding those changes today, and expect an update later this week :3
09/11/24 - Added more blinkies! Working on some other stuff, too.
07/11/24 - Forgot to update this about it, but I finally added the "More" page! And a character blog, for some reason. I also added my tamaNOTchi's :3
28/10/24 - I added a button you can link to my site with!
21/10/24 - More blinkies, and updated character profiles slightly! Also, unrelated, but I went outside today. ALSO also, added a guestbook!
20/10/24 - Productive day! Three new character profiles added!
19/10/24 - I've forgotten to update it here, but AbodeBound has a few pages now!
05/10/24 - AbodeBound page 2 is out now! Enjoy! :)
03/10/24 - Finally got to making the View All Pages page! Check it out if you dare >:)
01/10/24 - Cleaning the code and colouring the links! Also rewrote some spots that weren't quite true anymore.
29/09/24 - Guess what! We finally have a story posted! Check the Read page if you're interested! :D
19/09/24 - More characters!
18/09/24 - I am going through all the pages and updating some code, literally just so I'm actually coding, because it's been almost a month.
25/08/24 - Whoopsies! Moved house and forgot to do updates! Doin some today!
18/08/24 - Blinkies!!! I also added the Read page, but there's nothing to read there yet. Will be adding another character page today too!
16/08/24 - More character pages added, plus some additional info for the characters! (character pages are in the about section btw)
15/08/24 - About page is done, as well as one of the character pages! I'll do more of the character pages today probably.
14/08/24 - Starting building the website! Most links will not work yet.
You can call me Chaos! Any pronouns.
There's a handful of things I want to do here! I have a webnovel I want to write, a bunch of characters to keep track of, and a skill (coding) to learn! Maybe I'll eventually post some home-grown music, or some other things! Who knows! This is very much a hobby site, so expect things to change fairly frequently.
If anything breaks, I'm probably trying to update it! Please stand by, I'm doing my best.
Right now, there is stuff on the About and Read page! I have a bunch of character profiles in the About page, and a couple of stories on the Read page, with more to come for both! If you wanna see more, you can follow my site here.
There's a few things I'm working on for the site at the moment, such as:
- Adding more characters.
- Writing stuff to add to the Read page.
- Figuring out what else I can add that isn't way beyond the scope of my coding abilities.
Wanna ask something, say something, or leave a message? Sign my Guestbook!
Like my page? You can link to me using this:

My Tamanotchis :3
Blinkies below! Eyestrain and/or Flashing Lights warning for those who need it!