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Karika has an arguement with her Kismesis, Aratan.
Themes of Manipulation, Culling, and Toxic Relationships. Allusions to Troll Reproduction. Nothing graphic.

Your name is Karika, of Arawag fame. Second-highest blooded troll on the shitty planet you call home - Laterrene. Not that that means anything, on a planet hosting only twenty-thousand trolls.
You’re basically royalty of this trash-heap planet, but it’s whatever. It’s not like you could, like, do anything with that power.

You live a rather comfortable life - jobless, as you should be. You make a living collecting valuables from abandoned hives, and spend the rest of your time hanging about online. Occasionally, you’ll indulge in a hobby - such as your authentic grubhorn jewelry creation.

Your respite block is pretty standard, you think. Recuperacoon in one corner, desk in the opposite. Various knives taped to the walls, or hung from the ceiling. A pile of unused flarp manuals and sheets by the wall. And an entire half of your room piled with junk you found in other peoples hives. Pretty normal, you’d say.

Just beyond your respite block is your Lusus’ block - he’s a giant flight beast. He takes care of himself, mostly.
And beyond that, most of your hive remains unused. Occasionally an unused block is used as a temporary respite block, but otherwise it's completely empty.

With that out of the way, only one thing sits on your mind - a question; What should you do?

Almost as though it sensed your question, and your boredom, a notification sounds from your husktop. Eager to do something, you practically race over to your desk to see what it is.

Your excitement turns sour in an instant. Rather than something fun or good, it’s a message from your beloathed; Aratan.
You sigh, and open the trollian message from him.

You shut off your husktop and stare at yourself in the blank screen.
Is this who you are? Is this who you want to be? A sad sack of shit, being used for her money?

Your reflection doesn't reply.

a light-grey image with the text Home of my Webnovel