You guess. Sigh.
You never used to fight with GG so much, believe it or not. She just got really fighty one day and never stopped. Won't talk about it much either.
But there's no use dwelling on it much! You have other things to be getting to! Such as...
Well, really it's just playing with the wardrobifier and feeding Russel. And it's well past his usual feeding time, too. You'd rather not end up on his bad side!
Feeding Russel is a rather involved activity, you find. You have to prepare his food, find him, and usually coax him down from his tree. Occasionally this results in a strife, so you'll also need to prepare for that first. Which means you have to double check your strife specibus - which you're 100% sure you checked earlier, but you don't remember if you did.
Okay. Strife specibus first. You go to open it...
And you hear the distinct noise of a pester coming your way. You better get that first, actually.
So, of course, you do just that; Sit at your computer and pester with a good friend! But, alas, it's one of the trolls again. You, of course, engage with them. How else are you going to tell them to bugger off?! Blocking them doesn't work anyway.
-- cabrillanCaboose [CC] began trolling groovyTomcat [GT] -- CC: z'u'z <( Hello There, Human! ) CC: z'U'z <( I Am Here To Help Save Your World From Certain Doom! ) GT: Oh great, it's you again. I blocked you, you know! GT: You lot should learn to respect a man's blocklist!! CC: z'?'z <( But This Is My First Time Trolling You? ) CC: z'`'z <( Unless... ) CC: z'0'z <( No... Have I Trolled You Out Of Time Order? ) CC: z'~'z <( NoNoNo... We All Agreed Not To Do That. It'd Just Cause Needless Confusion. ) CC: z;^;z <( Unless I Broke The Rules... ) GT: What are you going on about?! GT: If this is supposed to be a trolling attempt, it's a pretty crook attempt. CC: z;n;z <( I Know…! ) GT: Why the hell are you doing it then?! CC: z'~'z <( This Is So Stupid Of Me, But All My Friends Are Doing It, ) CC: z;~;z <( And There's Nothing Else To Do On This Shitty Boat, ) CC: z;^;z <( And I Feel Really Really Bad About It, But It's Either This Or Die Of Boredom, ) CC: z;n;z <( And I'm Going Through A Lot Right Now And It's Really Tough Of Me To Not Just Dump It All On You Right Now. ) CC: z'3'z <( Phew! That Felt Good To Get Off Of My Nub! )GT: ... Right. Are you, uh, feeling better after that?GT: You sound a tad stressed out, based off the verbal spew that just hit my screen. CC: z'u'z <( Yes! I Do Feel A Bit Better! ) CC: z'o'z <( But Where Are My Manners? I Should Really Be Reciprocating This, Ahem, "Verbal Spew," As You Put It. ) CC: z'`'z <( What Has Been Troubling You, Nate Human? ) GT: Well, I guess I'm doing this now. GT: Um... GT: I'm supposed to be feeding my cat right now and I'm getting exponentially more nervous about it the longer I put it off. GT: He has a bit of a temper, sometimes. GT: He's grouse otherwise though! CC: z'?'z <( Oh, Is That What Your Lusus Is? A "Cat"? ) CC: z'w'z <( He Looks A Lot Like A Meow Beast To Me. ) GT: We may be talking about the same creature. CC: z'?'z <( Though You Seem To Have Two? How Does That Work? ) CC: z'0'z <( And Your Other One Seems To Be A Geriatric Human! Facinating! ) GT: Um... yes? Whatever a "lusus" is. GT: Actually, why the hell am I humouring you? You're a troll! You're just trying to pull my leg, and I'm not having it!! CC: z'`'z <( I'm Not Pulling Your Leg, Nor Am I Able To, Being On A Different Planet And All. ) CC: z'3'z <( Well, I'm On A Space Ship Of Sorts, But You Get The Idea. ) CC: z'-'z <( I Hope. Else I Have A Lot To Explain. ) GT: Oh for crying out loud!
-- groovyTomcat [GT] blocked cabrillanCaboose [CC] --
Ugh, trolls. There's a handful of them that keep showing up, bothering you and talking funny, and frankly you're sick of it! You are going to stop replying to them, starting now. Probably.
Speaking of now, you better get back to feeding Russel.
You check your Strife Specibus - your very own PistolKind! Well, *airsoft* pistol. It is very much illegal for you to own a real gun, but you also don't *need* to. You wouldn't want to accidentally shoot your Granny dead during a strife, after all.
Your strife specibus has now been thoroughly checked. It sure is there! Next, you need to prepare Russel's food in the kitchen. As was previously planned.
Luckily, your bedroom exits directly into the kitchen, which you’d say is pretty normal. It's got all the staples of one, anyway - even if they are a tad bit outdated.
There's the fridge, oven, microwave, appearifier, table, chairs, and Russel's Corner. That's where he usually gets fed.
And, as per the usual, Russel is not currently here. He has a habit of not being at home. He's a bit of an indoor-outdoor cat, but instead of decimating the local fauna, he is Russel. He would never. He's far too well-versed in the art of the adventure to ever do such a thing!
But you aren't here to describe a room or lament on how cool your cat is - You have food to prepare!
You open the fridge, which smells of decade-old leftovers, and captchalogue an Entire Raw Fish!
Ah, the Array Captchalogue! Handy for an adventure guy such as yourself to use whatever needed, whenever needed. You don't know why anyone would choose anything else, when it's just so practical!
Rant over. Now to cook it!
The fish, not the rant, that is.
You open the oven... to a perfectly burnt fish just sitting there, ready to go. Dangit! Gran's bested you yet again! Just how does she do it?
You, of course, captchalogue it.
Now for a short break before you lure him home. Russel, that is, not Gran.