Idk what to title this one.
I've just been going to school, which has been boring. It's been a week of usual first-week-of-school shit, like ice-breakers and being told that I have to be a good example for the year 7s and 8s. Also the aircon broke in my Math and English classes on tuesday, and it was 34 degrees today! It was hell!
Tomorrow better be cooler, or the aircon better be fixed, or I'm wagging school.
Anyway, my bff4l, GG, sent me another self-portrait she drew! I don't actually know if she wants me to post it or not (or if she even knows I started this blog! I should probably tell her), so I won't share it right now. Just know she is very talented! :D
I don't think I have anything else to say, so um. Bubye!!! :D:D:D
03/02/10 6:42pm
Wow! A new blog?
Hey! This feels weird, haha.
Well, if you're reading this, hello! Welcome to my blog! I have no idea what I'm doing. :P
What do people usually do with a blog? Like, do I talk about my feelings, or my hobbies, or... what?!
I may as well start with myself, I guess! :)
School's just started back. I dunno how I feel about it. On the one hand, I'm sick of not being able to go on walks because there's snakes, but I don't want to not go on them because of school either! I like going on my walks. :(
Um. I like bunnies, too. I mean, duh I made one my pfp. Idk what else to put here. Or how to end a post.
Um, bye?
01/02/10 4:09pm