They're 8 sweeps old (17.33 years), strange, and trying their best. They/Them
They like to draw, even if it hurts to do sometimes. Same with other arts-and-crafts. They cook often. Not well, but often. They dedicate themself to researching mutations and psionics - lime bloods have taken their interest particularly, though they can't figure out why...
-- cabrillanCaboose [CC] began trolling anonymousChum [AC] --
CC: z'u'z <( Hello! It's Nice To Finally Meet You! )
AC: how do you usually speak?
CC: z'~'z <( Well, I Try To Be As Clear As Can Be, Even If It Doesn't Always Work. )
CC: z'o'z <( Was There Anything Else You Wanted To Ask? )
AC: ...
-- anonymousChum is idle --