He's 8 sweeps old (17,33 years), taller than he seems, and has a passion for fiduspawn.
He has a secret obsession with a boyband - so secret, he never dares utter their name. He also has a love for videogames, especially FLARP and fiduspawn. When not breeding fiduspawn or flarping, he's often found practicing his swordfighting skills. Which he definitely has. Who does he practice with? Great question. The answer is the robots he builds. Why are the robots hungry? No more questions.
He is Psionically gifted, and uses his Animal Communication often.
-- generallyTormented [GT] began trolling anonymousChum [AC] --
GT: Um, hello?
AC: how do you usually speak?
GT: I'm 7old 7ha7 I'm annoying, so, annoyingly?
GT: Are you jus7 here 7o make fun of me? :[
AC: ...
-- anonymousChum is idle --