She's 8 sweeps old (17.33 years), pretty normal, and lonely. She/Her.
She only wears authentic grubhorn jewelry, sometimes going as far as sourcing it herself. She's no wiggler killer, but she knows a guy. She collects knives and explores empty hives. Yes, those hobbies are related. The rest of her time is spent creating FLARP character sheets - her friends all just HAD to be hatched on the other side of the universe, didn't they?
She has a soft spot for rust-bloods. She is psionically gifted, and uses her Telekinesis and Telelocation often.
-- conciousTercelet [CT] began trolling anonymousChum [AC] --
CT: oi, heard y wanted t talk to me?
AC: how do you usually speak?
CT: i dont fuckin know. a lot cooler than *those* lot tho
CT: but like, whadyawant?
AC: ...
-- anonymousChum is idle --